The Soul of Soil

The Soul of the Soil – Erasmus+ mobility in Ireland

A 7-day journey into the importance of Soil in Resilient Ecosystems and Food Systems

8th – 16th April 2024

Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, Ireland

“Síolta Chroí” (Seeds of the Heart), a Regenerative Agriculture and Ecosystem Restoration education space from Ireland, is hosting a 7-day mobility program which focuses on exploring and discovering practices of ecosystem restoration and regenerative agriculture, from Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan.

The mobility program will include:

  • Meeting other workers active on soil health and wider nature restoration to exchange good practice;
  • Visits to local farms, growing projects and other nature spaces to learn from best practice in Ireland; 
  • An opportunity to spend time at Síolta Chroí and participate in some of the activities and work on the land in the educational space and surrounding lands here at Carrickmacross; 
  • Participative opportunities to engage in debate and exploration of regenerative approaches to soil restoration, alongside a consideration of the Soulful and Social Justice aspects of this topic. 

The mobility program is part of the project “Soil, Soul, Society – holistic approaches for youth development” which is a Cooperation Partnership project and is co-financed by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Programme, and implemented between 3 organizations: Dreams for Life (Romania), KobieTY (Poland) and Siolta Chroi (Poland).

The general project aims at enhancing the sense of initiative, active citizenship and well-being of young people and youth workers from Ireland, Romania and Poland, and other European countries as an extended impact.

Walk with us as we inquire into different local approaches to soil health, wider restoration as well as the interconnections between Soil, Soul and Society.

Is this a mobility program for you?

This program is for those who feel a strong resonance with what we have to offer. It is especially for professional youth workers who are active in the youth field (youth workers, trainers, educators, NGO leaders and mentors) who are willing to explore and develop themselves in the areas of regenerative practices for soil restoration, ecosystem restoration and the restoration of humans-as-nature.

– This program is for 12 participants from Ireland, Poland, Romania (4 persons/country).
– The participants must be over 18 years, actively participate in the youth field, and have a good level of English.

Food and accommodation

Food will be vegetarian but if you have any food preference we will do our best to accommodate them. 

We will have shared meals at Síolta Chroí. or pack lunch if we are doing farm visits.

Accommodation will be in a local hostel 5 minute drive from Síolta Chroíl. Rooms are shared, two people to a room. 


Food, accommodation, program activities are covered by the Erasmus+ grant.

The travelling costs are covered up to the following amounts:
Ireland – 23 Euros/person
Poland – 275 Euros/person
Romania – 360 Euros/person

Each participant is asked to contribute with a participation fee of €50 to €100 which will cover some local expenses connected with logistics. 

*We do not want finances to be a barrier to participation, so please contact your national partner to discuss if this is an issue.

Each participant must have comprehensive travel and medical insurance, covering both the travel and the stay from the first until the last day of the way back home. The insurance should be covered by the participants.

If you plan to arrive earlier or leave later your expenses for accommodation outside of the days of the mobility program will not be covered by the project.

Places are limited – please fill out this Expression of Interest form by 16th of March, at the following link: 

The selection results will be published in maximum 3 days from the application deadline.

*Please note that April 8th is the arrival day and April 16th is the departure day, and the mobility program will take place on the 7 days 9th – 15th


✅ Ireland – Síolta Chroí –

✅ Poland – KobieTY –

✅ Romania – Dreams for Life –

EN Co-Funded by the EU_POS

  • 8th – 16th April 2024
  • Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, Ireland
A participation fee of €50 to €100